Where are Courthouse Courier and Process Serving Services Performed?
To get started, listed below are our featured nationwide courthouse couriers. These unique and dependable service providers are equipped to handle your court courier and process service requests anywhere in America. To get started, click on any one or all listed courthouse couriers and get information and quotes within minutes.
If you prefer to speak with local courthouse couriers and or process servers, please scroll down to where you can find them by state, county, and city.
Court Runners
Karen Roundtree
Court Courier
Courthouse Services
Sanjay Patel
Court Courier
Court Messengers
Sandy Kumar
Court Courier
Service providers listed in our directory perform courthouse courier and process serving services everywhere.
The most popular locations where services are performed daily are: courthouses, government buildings, State and Federal Courthouse, Archive locations and Law enforcement records departments. They travel to any and all residential, governmental, medical, corporate and commercial addresses.
Are Courthouse Couriers Licensed?
Sometimes yes. Courthouse Couriers are usually not licensed to perform courier service but many times are Private Investigators and Process Servers who possess applicable licenses and or business permits
How Long Does It Take to Obtain Files From a Courthouse?
Actually, the timing is entirely up to the policies of the courthouse and the work load of the clerks in the department where we request your file.
How Fast Can You Get to a Courthouse to Retrieve File Copies?
We are fast, very fast yet as answered previously, the actual timing is up to the clerk of the court. To answer your question, we can be at any courthouse within twenty-four hours. If you place your request before 11:00am we may even get to the courthouse the same day!
How Do We retain Your Services?
Real easy! Before you contact us please make sure you have the following information:
1. The name of the parties involved in the lawsuit
2. The case number, Index number or any other numbers such as a book and page.
3. You should determine your required timing as to when you need the retrieval and copies to be delivered by.
4. You should request certified or non-certified copies.
5. You should confirm how you want the file copies returned to you. Your options are as follows: scan and email your file, place file in the US Mail or send back the file via overnight courier.
After you are certain about hiring us and are clear with the above, please contact us.
Listed Courthouse Courier and Process Servers are available to assist you now.
If you have additional questions or need assistance please email or call us anytime. We are proud professionals who are eager to assist you and will try our best to make sure your experience with us is productive and timely